fredag 3 april 2015

Review: Cujo

Cujo by Stephen King

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

THAT ENDING WAS FUCKING BULLSHIT THOUGH. I kinda wanna leave my review at that and just finish with this pic, but fine I won't... still, the book had to be punished:

Just ... UGH. NO. It couldn't end like that. WHYYYY?????

Anyway, even though I of course knew that this book was about a dog with rabies, it turns out I didn't know anything besides that. I didn't even know it was a huge-ass Saint Bernhard that was the dog, for some reason I pictured something much smaller? I think that had to do with a children's book that traumatized me as a kid: it also involved a dog with rabies that bit someone. Though I don't think they died from it.

OH WELL, up until the ending I thought the book was really good (oh wait, didn't my Stephen King loving friends all warn me about this? GODSDAMNIT). All the characters' stories nicely fit with each other, you kept despairing with Donna and feeling completely stressed out when no one came to her rescue. GAH.

But still, that fucking ending. Maybe I should even subtract a point. IT'S NOT FAIR.

View all my reviews

True story.

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