torsdag 29 januari 2015

Review: Cinder

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Having a hard time rating this book. On the one hand, I enjoyed it a lot and didn't really wanna put it down so it was good ... on the other hand I have so many problems with it.

Mostly the world building. It could've been so much better. We never get explanations for why the world is in the state it is, why cyborgs are treated the way they are, what happened in WW4, how does the ownership of cyborgs work, and so on, and so on ... Come on, indulge us a little! It was a cool world, we could've survived hearing a little more about it.

Also, the foreshadowing? Not good. I mean you could figure out everything that was gonna happen in the book after the first couple of chapters, and not just because it's based on Cinderella, but because there are some pretty not subtle hints. "My foot doesn't fit!", "Why this car looks like a pumpkin!", "There is a random lost princess who was born the same time as me!". Come oooon.

But still, I liked it, despite its flaws, and I am gonna read the rest of the series. I already have book two, and I'm excited to get started on it!

View all my reviews

True story.

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