fredag 6 februari 2015

Review: Cress

Cress by Marissa Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

People said these books were gonna get better as the series progressed, and I was pretty skeptical about that ... well, turns out I was wrong. They are getting better! The more characters the merrier, although my least fave parts are still anything where Kai has to deal with his royal duties. Mostly because I don't really buy the way the political situations seem to work in this world.

But hey, Cress was a nice addition, and interacted well with the others. I'm not loving the fact that all the girls get a love interest as soon as they are introduced, but it could probably have been done worse. The Cinder/Kai thing has so far been the worst offender in this regard, and I'm hoping they'll now have time to develope proper feelings for each other.

Though the lunars seem to be pretty horrible in general so I'm starting to think they should just blow up the freaking moon and be done with it.

View all my reviews

True story.

1 kommentar:

Fanny sa...


Jag hittade in på din blogg när jag googlade biogeovetenskap. Jag läste lite på din blogg, du hade skrivit några inlägg om din utbildning. Men min fråga är nu, vad gör du nu, hur var utbildningen såhär efteråt?

släng gärna iväg ett mejl om du har möjlighet och berätta lite! Jag tyckte utbildningen verkade lite småintressant (:

ha det gött!