måndag 2 februari 2015

Review: Fermat's Last Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem
Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this a few years ago, and remember commenting that I thought it was so awesome that you can find absolute proof in math, but not in any other sciences. My more philophical friend said "math fans" were naïve to believe in something like absolute proof, but I still stand by that statement: it's nice to know that some things are true forever once you find proof of them.

I enjoyed it as much as the first time around, though I'm pretty sure I was a lot quicker to finish this time around. I'm not gonna say I understood half of the math in the book, but I understood enough to keep up with the story. Mostly.

Even the things I don't understand are pretty cool to learn about. Shit like imaginary numbers and prime numbers (I like prime numbers: I once wrote a story titled Indiana Jones and the Exotic Prime Numbers) are pretty out there, but the different ways you can categorize numbers (friendly numbers! Perfect numbers! Vampire something numbers!) makes me like them even more. I kept telling Chriss about the things I was learning, but I don't think she found it as fascinating as me, but politely listened to what I had to say anyway.

Fermat sounded like he would've been a very annoying person to hang out with though.

View all my reviews

True story.

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